Our services outside of the main roles of the Union, that means the safe transport of passengers to and from cruise ships and mooring vessel’s services, are formed depending on the period.Specifically our goals are the safe transport of passengers and goods to and from the cruise ships either from the port of Athinios and from the bay of Fira, thoose operations are directed by trained mooring personnel that offers this services of all types of ships (cruise ships, passenger sailing ships and private yachts e.t.c in specific regions in the wider maritime area of the two above mentioned areas, Search and Rescue, investigation and assistance to people in or at risk of imminent danger, Transfer of patients from the surround islands and the transfer of civilians during emergencies, The antι-pollution policy and policy on environmental protection , Boat Chartering and organized tours. Separate reference point for us , are ouρ Social and public services ( such as : in exceptional cases, our primary goal is Human security. Due to the technical features of our vessels (collateral, comfortable , modern technological ships and to our trained staff, we are able to connect more closely island in public services- moving public figures e.t c, either for the islands of our province (Anafi, Amorgos, Ios, Small Cyclades). Educational seminars are created by the Boatmen Union for the schools of the island or of the province with a main purpose in order to present our shipyard and our Union.
More Skills

Τhe Union has a social role that is directly recognized also from the islanders, we never say no when it is time to save people or help vessels in trouble, several times our boats transported people with injury, or with serious health problems. We also support and assist training seminaries, VIP transport, support the research and the protection of the volcano. All the emergency cases that unfortunately happen in islands where there is not hospital, we support them offering our vessels as ambulance boat and this is something to be really proud of, because we save lifes. One of the most famous case, it is what happened for the Sea Diamond, cruise ship that sank on April 2005 but without any victim because of our promptly intervention.

Τhe educational policy of Union Boatmen of Santorini is a key feature of shaping the experience of our seafarers. Specifically our seamen: Masters, Captains, Sailors, attend educational programs, both in the Merchant Marine Academy in Aspropyrgos, and in other public Schools. Modern education in maritime theory, combined with the evolutionary upgrade of qualifications it is an advantage for us, a worth investment for the future.